Hello, and welcome to this issue of the Language Dispatch.
I have something special for you in this issue with the release of a free newly minted board game. I have been fascinated recently with the educational benefits of board games and video games. I am currently in the process of designing new board games which you will eventually be able to download from this site and use with your students.
I'd also like to share with you some recent articles I've written about board games and their educational value. Board games are a tremendous resource with many hidden educational benefits for young students. Please click on the link to learn more about
educational board games.
The free game on offer today is something I have played with my students for a little while now. It's a hand drawn game in two parts about a mythical quest for players who compete to be the first dragonrider. Some parental discretion is advised when playing with very young children. Some of it may be a bit scary for little tots. The game can be accessed from the free language activities page on the link below.
Dragon Rider Instructions
Enjoy the game and speak to you again soon
David Newman
Speech language Pathologist |