Rosenshine Principles for Classroom Practice


Rosenshine Principles for Classroom Practice: The Rosenshine Principles, developed by highly respected educational psychologist Barak Rosenshine,  represent a clear, straightforward and effective approach to classroom teaching.

These principles embody the essence of effective teaching in their clarity and simplicity and are an excellent way to promote best practice teaching in any classroom setting.

At the heart of the Rosenshine Principles is a sequential process that incorporates both instruction and review. The first principle, daily review, encourages the recall and reinforcement of learned material, a practice that emphasizes repetition and incremental learning as key to long-term understanding.

Rosenshine Principles for Classroom Practice - Principal List

The second principle insists on presenting new material using small steps. It emphasizes the importance of pacing in instruction and how presenting information in manageable, bite-sized pieces can significantly improve students' understanding and retention.

Asking lots of questions, the third principle, fosters an interactive learning environment. In this environment, students actively participate in the process of learning, which in turn improves comprehension and boosts confidence.

Fourthly, Rosenshine stressed the value of providing models for students. These models give students a clear example of what is expected from them, helping them shape their own learning outcomes.

To guide student practice, the fifth principle, teachers are encouraged to work through problems with the class, employing a "we do" approach before transitioning to independent work. This gradual release of responsibility supports students as they master new skills.

The significance of formative assessment is upheld in the sixth principle: check for student understanding. Continuous monitoring is crucial to ensure learners grasp the new material, allowing teachers to provide immediate corrective feedback.

Rosenshine insisted on a high success rate. As the seventh principle, it drives the idea that students should be able to achieve a minimum of 80% proficiency with tasks before moving on. This approach enhances students' self-esteem and motivation.

The eighth principle calls for providing scaffolds for difficult tasks. This includes tools, strategies, or templates that assist students in completing challenging activities, fostering student autonomy incrementally.

Promoting independent practice, the ninth principle, reinforces the idea that students need time to practice on their own, solidifying their understanding and skills.

Lastly, the tenth principle suggests weekly and monthly reviews to refresh students' knowledge on previously learned concepts. This ongoing process of review ensures long-term retention and mastery of newly learned concepts.

Rosenshine Principles for effective classroom practice represent more than just a set of guidelines for teaching; they embody a view of learning that is clear, simple, effective, and proven by research. They offer an authentic, trustworthy guide to teaching practice while enabling tangible improvements in student learning outcomes.


Students are consistently engaged in the meaningful revisiting of concepts. It's akin to stirring a fresh, warm cup of knowledge each day, keeping the information vibrant and relevant.

The step-by-step approach to presenting new material makes the potentially daunting task of learning new concepts much more approachable and manageable. This simplicity makes the Rosenshine principles notably effective, boosting the confidence of both teachers and learners.

Confident classroom teachers asking well designed questions keeps the classroom energetic and lively. It reinvents the process of teaching and learning into an engaging conversation rather than a one-sided monologue, creating an atmosphere of enthusiasm and curiosity.

Providing models adds a tangible dimension to learning. Like providing a roadmap to an explorer, models act as reference points that students can look at, strive toward and finally accomplish.

When teachers increasingly guide student practice, learning becomes much more structured and easier to follow. It's like having a fun, cheerful guide on a thrilling journey of discovery, making each step safe and enjoyable.

Checking for understanding allows the teacher to address any issues immediately, ensuring no student is left behind. This creates an environment of warmth and genuine concern for each student's learning journey.

Striving for a high success rate encourages students towards success, fostering an atmosphere of victory and accomplishment in the classroom. This boosts motivation, celebrates progress and elicits a sense of pride in students.

Providing scaffolds for difficult tasks makes learning less daunting and more attainable. Like providing ropes and handles on a steep climb, the structured scaffolding of student learning offers reliable support when students face a challenging ascent.

Promoting independent practice encourages students to take ownership of their learning, fostering a sense of responsibility and independence. It's like teaching your students to sail a boat, and then watch with pride as they confidently navigate the open seas on their own.

Rosenshine Principles for Classroom Practice - Summary

Finally, the practice of consistent review maintains a constant link to past learning, keeping the lessons previously learned fresh and relevant. Consistent review is the steady beacon that guides the ship in heavy waters, never letting past knowledge be forgotten.

As our recognition of the science of learning grows, so too does our appreciation for the Rosenshine principles. They embody the best of research-based classroom teaching strategies, ensuring that clarity and simplicity continue to guide the process of teaching and learning.

In the arena of current best practices, the Rosenshine principles rise above due to their inherent precision and directness. By making seemingly complex processes easier to follow and implement, the Rosenshine principles provide an edge for any educator striving to keep pace with educational advancements.

The effectiveness of the Rosenshine principles lies not just in their simplicity but in their universal applicability. Whether you are an experienced educator in search of a different approach, or a novice teacher eager to hone your skills, these principles pave the way for success in your classroom.


In embracing the Rosenshine principles for classroom practice, teachers cultivate a learning environment that is dynamic, engaging, and impactful. Through daily application of these principles, teachers can ignite a spark of curiosity, foster a love for learning, and guide students to reach their highest potential.

Considering their wisdom and clear guidance, it is no wonder that many educators are mesmerized by Rosenshine's principles. With these set of simple and time-tested conventions, teachers can turn their classrooms into thriving hubs of learning and development, where each student feels seen, understood, and capable of learning to their fullest potential.


Sherrington, T. (2019) Rosenshine's Principles in Action, John Catt Educational LTD
