About Us

About us:

Since its inception 15 years ago now, speechlanguage-resources central aim has always been to provide low cost and/or free user-friendly speech and language resources to clinicians and teachers around the English speaking world.

What we do

We design and create high quality programs, books, booklets and worksheets (many of them free) that are readily downloadable - straight to your hard drive. The resources on this website have high utility and can be used in your classroom - or clinic if you're a speech-language clinician - the same day that you download the file. The learning activities are designed to support your students' comprehension and use of spoken and written language.

The resources can be used for early years or foundation students, late elementary students and secondary students. The speechlanguage-resources website also features dozens of pages that detail explicit teaching of oral and written language intervention, information pages that explore the meaning of developmental language disorder and other pages that have dozens of tips for correcting speech sound errors.

The Why

The primary reason why speechlanguage-resources exists is connection. The website is a conduit for education professionals and parents from around the globe to connect with unique and well thought out workbooks and booklets. Your students will engage with and learn crucial language learning skills while getting them interested in learning.

Here at speechlanguage-resources we continually sharpen and improve our products to improve student learning, while providing clinicians and classroom teachers with new ways of thinking to inspire and prompt their students to improve their academic skills and engage with the school curriculum.

This is an important point. Many teachers have not been provided with adequate knowledge of the importance of oral language to literacy learning and how to teach it to their students. Evidence clearly indicates that the explicit teaching of oral and written language skills to struggling readers is one of the core principles of effective teaching of reading and reading comprehension skills.

This idea is at the heart of the speechlanguage-resources website and written into its fabric. The articles, resources and books featured on these pages exist to help teachers and clinicians to guide students learning and improve their ability to use improved oral and written language.

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Updated 10/2023