Speech Sound Structures
Speech Sound Structures: An understanding of the speech mechanism and
some knowledge of the landmarks of the oral cavity is necessary if we are to be competent
teaching children speech sounds.
This page gives a brief overview of the speech sound architecture. Perhaps the most interesting aspect of the oral cavity is that its primary function is to ingest food and act as a passageway for the respiratory system.
Moreover, the speech sound structures, with
which we create speech sounds, primary role is to keep us alive. For instance, the larynx's primary function is to keep food from falling into our
lungs and choking us. Similarly, the tongue, which is fundamental to the creation of many speech sounds, pushes pulverized and masticated food into the pharynx as part of the
swallowing phase.
Humans are fairly clever beings in that we have learnt to craft speech sounds, with
all their wondrous complexity and potential for expression, using borrowed equipment.