Language Resources Blog

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Lexical and Non-Lexical Reading


Lexical and non-lexical reading is examined in the dual route theory or reading

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Phone Fusion with Blending and Segmenting

blending 1

Phoneme fusion with blending and segmenting explores the importance of using these skills while learning to build real words

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Dyslexia and its Link to Oral Language


dyslexia and its link to oral language

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Speech language resources for educators


Speech language resources for educators and information about language and literacy difficulties - created by a school based speech-language pathologist.

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Free language activities to use with students with language difficulties.


Free language activities that demonstrate shared reading strategies and are easy to use.

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Why speech to print is best


Why speech to print is best and the future of literacy instruction

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Erase limits and embrace mini whiteboards


Erase limits and embrace mini whiteboards to increase student participation and improve teacher practice

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Working Memory and the Classroom

cog science

Working memory and the classroom is a webpage that explores the effect of classroom adjustments on children's cognitive load

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Orthographic Mapping and Phonics


Orthographic mapping and phonics - mapping is not a teaching method but the cognitive process of words being permanently implanted into memory systems

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Simple View of Reading: the foundation of reading science


Simple View of Reading: the foundation of reading science

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