Free Grammar Worksheets
Free Grammar Worksheets: The abilty to use grammar effectively is a terrific skill for students to have.
Grammar is a logical and systematic set of processes which are
reasonably simple to learn.
It has been my experience that a little light
goes on in students' minds when the puzzle pieces start to fit together.
On this page are a series of links that will instantly direct you to pages that
provide detailed information about grammar and syntax - and free pdf files that
are downloadable and printable.
A web page that outlines the most used punctuation marks.
Common Misused Words:
Words that are easily confused, and why it's important to know the difference.
Word Classes:
Nouns, verbs, adjectives and other word classes are the building blocks of sentences.
Simple Sentences:
Made up of a single main clause.
Compound Sentences:
Two main clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction.
Complex Sentences:
Made up of a main clause and one or more subordinate clauses.
Compound-Complex Sentences
At least two main clauses and one or more subordinate clauses.
Also, please sign up for the Language Dispatch newsletter. The newsletter provides essential monthly language intervention tips, techniques and information.
The information provided in the monthly newsletters is ideally suited to be used by speech-language pathologists, teachers and parents of language impaired students.
Once you've signed up to the Language Dispatch you'll also receive a new free Idioms ebook, On Cloud Nine.
The On Cloud Nine Program features 100 context based scenarios, and a multiple choice format to effectively teach this difficult figurative language concept.
The program is very easy to use and is yours free, once you've signed up to the Language Dispatch. The program is available as an Adobe pdf download.

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