Student Resources Grammar

Student Resources Grammar. The student resource pages provide a useful tips for school-age students to help form and shape their written work.

Grammar is all about knowing how to put words together in a sentence so that the sentence makes sense. An awareness of grammar is vital when we are reading and especially so when we are writing.

When we are armed with a knowledge of grammar we can better understand written language and have greater skill in using it effectively.

What follows is a brief description of the most common grammar word classes.

The noun
A noun is a word which is used to name a thing. The two most commonly used nouns are common nouns and proper nouns.

A common noun is generally a concrete or abstract thing. Some examples might be hammer, girl, cow, building and ocean.

A proper noun names a specific place or person. Proper nouns usually begin with a capital letter. For example, Melbourne, New York, Sarah and Ben.

Grammar Aides: Nouns

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The verb
Verbs are very important. Every sentence, to be classed as a sentence, must have at least one verb. Verbs are often action words, and as such can be considered the most important part of a sentence. Some examples of action verbs would be, walk, jump, riding and decided.

Verbs can also be to do with thinking and consciousness. For example, thinking, thought, pondered and reflect.

Grammar Aides: Verbs

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The adjective

An adjective is used to give extra information about a noun. Adjectives are describing words. Adjectives give extra information about a noun. For instance, red balloon, a beautiful sunset, a thirsty man.

Grammar Aides: Adjectives

Right-click to download this PDF file here.

The adverb
Adverbs, as their name denotes give extra meaning to verbs. Adverbs tell us where, when, or how something happens. For example, I want to go tomorrow, she screamed loudly, the tide always comes in.

Grammar Aides: Adverbs

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The pronoun
The pronoun is a very useful word that can be used instead of a noun. Pronouns allow us to avoid using the same noun over and over, which can make our writing look a little clumsy or boring.

For example, instead of writing: Paul rode the horse until Paul got tired. We can write: Paul rode the horse until he got tired.

Or, instead of writing: the cow walked to the top of the ridge, and there the cow rested. We can write: the cow walked to the top of the ridge, and there it rested.

Grammar Aides: Pronouns

Right-click to download this PDF file here.

The preposition

Prepositions are used in front of nouns to form a prepositional phrase. The phrase is used to demonstrate which two parts of a sentence are related to the other. For instance, he crawled under the bed, he climbed up the tree, they live near the ocean.

For more detailed information about grammar and its correct use in written language I recommend readers explore the three links which are featured below.

ImprovEDU is dedicated to connecting those wanting to learn more about grammar with educational materials which are available online as free downloads.


Merrick, D. (2009) Blake's Grammar Guide for primary students. Pascal Press

Content Updated 1/17

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